Oldani Entrepreneurial Law, P.C.

Oldani Entrepreneurial Law, P.C.

About Us

Business law and intellectual property law, fully integrated, for businesses experiencing growth, innovation, or change.

We believe everything works better when each realizes their full potential, so we use the law to optimize client position.

We serve entrepreneurs and closely held small-to-medium businesses with interests in Illinois who want thoughtful legal solutions and to make informed, strategic decisions.

Our clients are hands-on business leaders who want to understand/have a handle on legal. We approach legal holistically, and can help the client connect the dots.

Our proven process: 1. We learn about your business/matter. 2. We help you identify your legal needs and opportunities. 3. We teach you about the law - in plain English - as applies to your legal needs and opportunities (you get smarter). 4. We advise and work closely with you on the best legal solutions. 5. Your business is better. 6. You call us next time you have a question.


  • Business Law
  • Intellectual Property Law
  • Legal Services
  • Legal Advice for Business
  • New Business, Business Growth, Business Change